Its been a busy past few days. I've photographed a wedding, scarves from India, a high school 30-year reunion and a Latin Sweet 15 party. I realized you have to wear a lot of hats in today's economy and being well-rounded in photography.
Recently...I have discovered that photography is a business. What I mean is most photographers with their big egos intact feel like if they are doing the best job possible and creating images their clients want and need, everything else fails in place, but this is simply not true.
Other photographers think there is some connection between how expensive and fancy their cameras are and how much they can charge clients or they simply think clients will flock to them because they use impressive looking cameras...again not true.
"Any good modern lens is corrected for maximum definition at the larger stops. Using a small stop only increases depth..." Ansel Adams, June 3, 1937
Even more so I have been turning my efforts towards advertising and marketing in an attempt to allow me to gain more clients and thereby deliver more excellent service. The realization has hit me that quite often, its NOT the most technical or artsy photographer who gets the jobs, but the most resourceful and smart in marketing and self-promotion.
As far as Photo-gear...oddly, professional cameras are more often owned by professionals like physicians, CPAs, engineers and lawyers than they are by photographers. Professional photographers don't spend money if they don't have to - it's a business. Photography is not a profession, although many photographers behave professionally.
So in the next coming weeks I'm focusing on the business side and getting more general and specialized clients. From weddings to wedding designers and from scarves made in India to models from India to showcase them. ciao!
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